Thursday, 2 March 2017

Youtube Gamer Interview #6 - Commander Skull

It's that time again where we are interviewing another Youtube Gamer!

Don't forget, if YOU want to be interviewed about your Youtube channel all you need to do is email me at with the subject title "Youtube Gamer interview request". Anyway enough with that, on with today's interviewee!

Today we've got a Bulgarian food lover and graphic designer, who wants to make everyone's day just that little bit better. But enough from me, let's get to our interview with Commander Skull!

Who are you? Tell me about yourself.
My name is Skull but people know me as Commander skull. I am a Bulgarian YouTuber, graphic designer and a content creator. I enjoy making content and playing games. My favorite colors are green and black and my favorite foods are french fries and pizza.

What do you do on your channel?
On my channel I do Vlog's, Gameplay videos, sketches and in general everything that I think is a good topic to talk about or give people a good laugh and brighten up their day.

What made you start making videos?
It was several things. I wanted to make people laugh or help them or in general make content that they enjoy. I am sure we have all been there - you get back home after a S@%# day and you turn a video on from a youtuber and it brightens up your day and you get inspired that things are not that bad. I also wanted try try out new things and got some encouragement from a few friends at the time.

What do you think is the best video you've made?
I would have to say the video "That moment when you pass your exam"
It has a special place in my heart due to it being my first Sketch video and so far what I think my most successful one.

Who are your favourite Youtubers or Twitch streamers to watch?
Depends. I watch a lot of youtubers. I would say my favorites are - LifeOfBoris(He inspired me that Slav channels can flourish); ArchWarhammer; Bruva Alfabusa; AngryJoeShow; Nixxiom; boogie2988

What's your favourite game that you've played?
Kind of a hard question... I have done gaming since 1999 when I was a small kid and got my first PC. I would have to say Starcraft 1 and 2 go to the first place and on second Roblox. Those are my main go to games that I enjoy the most.

And finally, What tips would you give to anyone wanting to start a youtube gaming channel?
Be persistent you will get your 5 minutes under the spotlight and get your chance to shine it may not be immediately but it will eventually happen.
Be creative, as hard as it may sound and don't forget to be yourself.
And my final world of advise is to try to challenge yourself to create better videos every time and don't be afraid to experiment.

Thank you Captain Skull for those excellent answers!

If you want to see more of his videos, you can check out his Youtube Channel HERE, and if you want to check out his Twitter page, you can find that HERE!

So that's it for the first interview this month! Be sure to follow me if you don't want to miss out the next one!

See you then!

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